It was in 1958 . We hadn’t been in minds and plans of our parents yet. Some words should be said about our ancestries. If you have never being interested in the story of your country , you should ask the elders. All was different, absolutely all. People lived according to other ideas imposed by our party leaders. The life of common people was penetrated with the rotten views of the Soviet moral , that didn’t give any chance to front or to see distinctly what was really going on with their “prospering” motherland. There was not any opportunity ,why? The Soviet government didn’t want Russian people to know the opportunities of the bourgeois order with it’s lewd moral, power of money and racial conflicts. Our Communist government pressed our past generation with these ideals. Did they truly believe? Not all of them, thanks god.

It was 1958 ,July. My father, like most of the men of this period, was studying at the pedagogical institute named after K.D.Ushinsky. He was only 26. This is the age when all moral values are already formed and the life has just begun. As for my father, he didn’t really care about his future. There was a small club, founded by students of the institute, addicted to engineering. This was some kind of a bike club, or it’s better to say a small bike unit, because to have a motorcycle was a great rarity. Traffic was owned mostly by the State authorities. Nevertheless, there were some fellow-students ,not the best and unique, but who loved freedom and bikes. In 1958 a great event took place- a ride
Yaroslavl-Moscow-Sevastopol. It was a very important motorcycle event. They covered thousands of kilometers on soviet Russian motorcycles IJ-49 and 56 and 3- wheeled motorcycle M-72. They were warmly greeted by public in each city, without taking into account state workers, contributors, who watched the ride proudly and then disapproved it. Moreover all soviet females and were crazy about bikers. Ofcours, some failures, crashes and breakes took place, but everyone came back home as a hero of biking community, full of impressions, experience, and patience to overcome difficulties, with a strong wish to share this new experience with their future children.
That was the way how we began to appear.